Stepping Transition (Forward to Backward)


Stepping from forward to backward, in figure skating it is known as ‘mohawk’. You can turn to either side (left or right) - the instructions in this tutorial is for turning right.


In order to execute a stepping transition successfully, you need to be able to skate forward confidently, and skate backward comfortably.

4 steps to remember:

  1. knees
    bend knees

  2. body
    turn body around, look back

  3. open
    pick up one foot and open up at least 120degree angle, heels close to each other

  4. close

    pick up other foot, bring it together to the opening foot.

Common mistakes:

  • opening foot is placed too far away from the other leg

  • not opening wide enough e.g. 3pm/90degree angle, meaning your forward momentum can’t be carried into the backwards position


This manoeuvre is difficult to practice without holding on to something. My advice is get someone (also on skates) to hold your hand that is at the back (right hand on this video).

Watch the full video tutorial on Instagram:


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